What I DO…
I’m a process designer and facilitator, a developer of people, and an advocate for life more fully alive. I seek to employ all my life experiences, training and talents in meaningful work. Living by example, I hope to inspire you, also, to consider the unique self and work you can share with the world.
+ I develop and facilitate
+ a creative, integrative process
+ using experiential strategies to engage whole beings in the work of
+ be-friending risk, acknowledging loss, and inviting possibility
= resulting in new ways of "viewing and doing" that lead to more
personal and collective progress.
The unique process I weave together with you (and your organization) becomes the cocoon in which deeper progress can be made. Threads from a variety of fields of thought - including coaching, adaptive leadership development, the arts, spiritual formation, neuroscience, nature, and systems theory - are tied together strategically to nurture your messy progress, inside and out.
“How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.” – Trina Paulus

Who I BE...
I’m human, like you. I often struggle to balance life’s demands. I set out to climb steep hills and push my limits. I experience dips in my energy and question my purpose and vision.
I face the same kinds of fears: Fears that, if I'm authentic, I won’t be accepted; or that I'll find I have nothing to offer.
I live with my whole heart. Sometimes I get flooded or disappointed and kind of stuck. Other times I take running leaps. Most of my life is lived in the small moments between: loving the person in front of me, doing the best I can at each task, and growing personally, little by little.
Busy with doing, let me not forget to BE: To be authentic, expressive, playful, and compassionate. To be imperfect and vulnerable. To dance boldly and also know how to be still.
To BE fully alive, and to help others BE fully alive too – by living this out, giving my authentic self to the world, I say “thank you” to God for this beautiful and messy life.
“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” — Frederick Buechner
I have a Bachelor of Business Administration from Wichita State University and a Master of Science in Family Therapy from Friends University. My education is enhanced by a strong professional background in marketing and communication, project and program management, adaptive leadership development and civic engagement.
I am a Level-II Certified Leadership Coach through the Kansas Leadership Center (an ICF-approved training program), and I am working to obtain an associate credential through the International Coach Federation (ICF).
I am married, have one beautiful daughter, and enjoy leaning into an active, artistic and adventurous lifestyle.