"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty."
- Maya Angelou
When well beings grow wings,
the world blossoms...
Welcome to Glasswing Creative, LLC! I'm Sheersty.
As mother to a young child with disabilities, healthcare leadership consultant, entrepreneur, and artist, I'm passionate about creatively keeping caring people in the business of caring.
My vocational aim is to nurture the resiliency of those serving in highly-relational roles (including caregivers, helpers, healers, and catalysts for change) by connecting them with each other as well as with the resources of nature, the Divine, and embodied and creative practices. Through this experiential resourcing, caregiving individuals benefit from stress and burnout reduction, increased self-awareness and personal growth, enhanced sense of purpose and overall health, and greater longevity in caregiving roles. The resulting wellbeing then ripples out to positively impact their organizations and elevate the quality of care to all they serve.
I host small group resiliency and wellbeing retreats. I also provide coaching and resources for those wishing to integrate personal retreats and resiliency practices into their lives.